Alyssa's 5 Favorite Young Living Products- For Pregnancy
When we first found out we were pregnant, I began to look into ways to live a healthier non-toxic lifestyle. One of the changes we've been slowly taking is switching the toxic household products (laundry detergent, soaps, candles, fragrances, etc.) to cleaner and healthier options.
I was just thinking the other day of some of my favorite Young Living products that have helped me drastically during our pregnancy and I needed to share them with momma's that are thinking the same way. What I love about Young Living is knowing that whatever we need- they have a great and healthy substation.

So, let's break this down. Here are my absolute top five favorite products from Young Living that I couldn't live without during my pregnancy.
#1: Master Formula: I use this pack of four antioxidant, vitamin and mineral pills as my prenatal. I take one packet a day and know that I'm getting the best vitamins and minerals needed to grow our sweet baby boy. There's a small red liquid vitamin capsule that has Vitamin A, D3, E and K. There's two micronized nutrient capsules that feature a bunch of essential nutrients and one phyto-caplet that has Vitamin C, Calcium and Potassium. Basically, it's a packet of goodness AND this Master Formula is not just for pregnant women- it's good for all those looking to have a nice roundup of wellness.
#2: Ningxia Red: This drink Taylor and I both drink daily. If you're looking for the ultimate antioxidant drink- this puree of wolfberries (and a bunch of other super fruits) offers support for normal eye health, cellular function, and energy levels. Wolfberries have been used in Chinese medicine for centuries for their incredible health benefits. 1 ounce has the antioxidant power of 73 strawberries, 10 lbs of spinach, 22 carrots. 100 oranges, 93 apples... you get the drift- it's the bomb.

#3: AlkaLime: I didn't start taking this powder until my later months of pregnancy when I started to experience acid reflux really bad. Anytime I ate sweets or tomato base products- I would be awaken in the middle of the night with horrible acid reflux. I was also reading that when we can balance the PH in our stomachs, we can benefit greatly from essential oil usage. I add 1tsp of the AlkaLime powder to about a cup of water in the evening and this takes away all my acid reflux in the middle of the night. This powder has been a life saver!
#4: Seedlings Baby Wipes: While stocking up on all the baby wipes for baby boy, I found that I, too, needed the wipes. WHAT? I never experienced much "leakage" before/after using the restroom until I was pregnant. Then I found out what it was like for motherhood- *wide eye bawls*. I have a pack of wipes in our bathroom and use them in the mornings to freshen up for the day. I love that the wipes are large, durable and have the soft scent of lavender.

#5: Deep Relief Roller: Ah, magic relief in a roller bottle. Lower back pain has been the enemy for months and this little roller offers the best after a good back massage. Carrying around an extra 30-40lbs sure has its toll on the body. I'm so glad I have this roller on the nightstand at all times. Plus, if you are experiencing any nausea in the early months of pregnancy, this would be a good roller for around your neck to help combate some of that morning sickness with peppermint, clove and wintergreen.

And there ya have it- my top favorite Young Living products for pregnancy. If you're not a YL member just yet and have questions- shoot me an email or a DM over on the gram. I would love help answer questions and set you in the right (clean) direction for your new adventure. I surely hope this helps you momma!
Hugs, Alyssa
Thanks for the info! I take icp, balance complete, and masters formula, are these ok to take?
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