The Flower Garden- Greenhouse Before/After
If you guys have been following along over on my Instagram stories, I've been sharing hints of the transformation of the greenhouse. Let's backtrack a little though for those who haven't been following over on Instagram. Back in the start of the year, I was inspired to grow my first cut flower garden. We bought a bunch of seedlings and my gracious mother-in-law was so nice to let us use her greenhouse.
With the warmer months coming around, the flowers started to sprout and grow bigger. It has been so exciting!! I planted a bunch of zinnias, dahlias, foxglove, and some cosmos. The greenhouse slowly started to expand and we needed a place to plant the pretties. We don't get enough sun where we live down in the woods, so we needed somewhere that received more sun. My in-laws were so great to open up the bottom lawn for my dreams of a flower garden.
We took some old railroad ties and slowly began expanding the flower garden beside the greenhouse. I love the unique shape of the greenhouse and my father-in-law even built this greenhouse... how cool, huh!!

We began with 3 long beds to the right of the greenhouse and one small one behind. In the first bed to the right, we have a row of peonies growing- my favorite! Continuing more to the right is the zinnias, cosmos, and foxglove. I absolutely love coming down to this space and tending to the pretty blooms.
With the expansion of the flower garden, the greenhouse received a little update within the last week. Check it out!

If you had been following my Instagram stories, I was trying to decide by painting the greenhouse white or a blue/gray color. As most agreed, the white was the way. I still can see the greenhouse in the gray/blue color but we can always paint it later if we get tired of the white!
To finish the front off, I added small pavers to the entryway. I love the way it looks and has transformed! I also added in two blush climbing roses to eventually grow up the sides of the greenhouse.
I have a lot of favorite things about the flower garden but one of my favorite parts is this rusty clawfoot tub! It had been sitting in my in-law's woods for some time so we brought it over to the garden and planted some dahlias and creeping jennie to it! I can't wait to see the dahlias in bloom!!

The greenhouse is for sure an escape for me. It's so great to come down and tend to the flowers as I unwind from the days work. It's been so rewarding seeing the seeds transform to full bloom.
I'm slowly learning more flowers and gardening. I love everything about the process... even the weeding.

Amongst all of it being so fun, to make it even better, I have my dream "bunny garden" too. Years ago, I always dreamt of having tons of bunnies roaming the yard. I'm so happy my in-laws tolerate and love seeing the bunnies too. In the evening when I'm tending to the garden and bunnies will be weaving in and out.
My favorite of memories so far is sitting in the evening and watching the bunnies nibble on the grass and watching the fireflies come to life. There's nothing more enchanting. Don't you guys love the transformation so far?! Let me know your favorite part below!!
Hugs, Alyssa
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